Holidays Around the World Unit
Getting Started
Overview: During this unit, my students "visit" several countries around the world and learn about how winter holidays are celebrated there. Before the unit begins, I assemble a suitcase and passport for each of my students to "take with them". The activities located below are ideas for you to incorporate into your own unit.
Which countries will you "visit"? Before beginning a holidays around the world unit, it is a good idea to decide which countries you will visit and how much time you wish to spend on this unit. For kindergarten, I would suggest that visiting 5 countries or spending a week on this unit is an appropriate amount of time.
Making Suitcases: The suitcases can be made several different ways. The way I have found is easiest is to take 2 sheets of large (12x18) construction paper and staple them together on 3 sides forming a pocket. After stapling, cut a handle into the top of the pocket. You can have the children decorate their suitcases any way you would like. Here are some ideas for decorating:
- Glue a world map labeled with the countries you will study.
- Instead of stapling the edges, let students sew together their suitcases using a hole punch and yarn.
- Have your children add "travel sticker" drawings to the suitcase (small sticker-like pictures naming other travel destinations such as Australia, Paris, Hong Kong).